
zondag, maart 10, 2019

Total Loss in Toppop

In older blogs, I paid some attention to 'Toppop',  more or less the Dutch equivalent of England's Top Of the Pops. I recently discovered that they have posted a new Kayak performance on the Toppop YouTube channel: Total Loss. I can't recall having seen this one before...

Besides Kayak, the Toppop channel has many more unique videos, of Dutch and international stars.

maandag, maart 04, 2019

Ticket for Kayak and Queen, The Hague 1974

In my blog of july 14 2007, I talked about the double bill concert "Kayak and Queen" in The Hague, in 1974. Over the years  I found some pictures, some newspaper ads and reviews, and a recording of the Queen show. One thing that I could not find, was a ticket (or a picture of the ticket). But now, thanks to Gerard Eummelen, that problem is (partly) solved. Gerard did not want to part with his ticket (something I can understand completely), but he did provide a picture...
I already knew that the ticket stub was fairly simple, with no mention of the actual bands. Still, this is a nice piece of Kayak (and Queen!) history. Please note that the price was 10 Dutch guilders, which in retrospect is almost nothing...